
Why Teen Time Is The Best Place For Your Middle And High Schoolers

As a parent, you naturally start to worry as kids start to get older. Once they reach middle school and high school, they certainly don’t want Mom and Dad hanging around them, and you want to give them some independence. But how can you make sure they’re safe and not getting into trouble?

Teen Time is our solution! Once a month, we welcome teens 13 – 17–former students and new friends–to come and relive their childhood with a night of games, pizza and fun. Here’s what your teen can expect from a Teen Time:

A Safe, Positive Environment With Friends

Our Teen Time events give teenagers free rein through the facility, with our 18,000 sq. ft. of gymnastics equipment and obstacle course available to them. We ensure all of our staff are 18+, so our teen instructors can have some fun, too!

With adult supervision and plenty of active fun to be had, teens are welcome to run free and have fun without any worry of what they’re up to.

Relive Their Childhoods

Here’s something your teen won’t tell you: they still LOVE all the things they used to do as kids. Climbing, jumping on the trampoline, getting to play with a big parachute–with school and extracurriculars taking up their time, along with all that social media browsing, they just don’t get the chance to play anymore.

With Teen Time, they’re welcome to do just that. And they always have a BLAST, even if they may act too cool for school the rest of the time.

Stay Active (And Offline!)

By being able to run around and play with our equipment, teens get a much-needed boost of active fun that they might not have time to have otherwise. It reminds them just how fun being active can be, and we’re always happy to give them a safe place to burn off some of the stress of their lives.

Teen Time is also a phone-free environment, which gives them a chance to unplug from social media and focus on the world around them, along with real-life friends! Plus, most teens have so much fun, they don’t even notice they’ve gone the whole night without checking their notifications.

Sounds like the perfect night for teens, doesn’t it? Our Teen Times are just $20 per teen, making it a great deal for a whole lot of fun! If you think your teen would love this (and we’re sure they will), head on over to our programs page to learn more and get your waiver signed and ready for our next Teen Time!

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