Let your teenager return to being a child for a single night.

Teens ages 13-17 will have access to the ninja room as well as the gymnastics space.
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“The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones that do.”
Steve Jobs

Here are some answers to your most commonly asked questions! Don’t see your question here? Feel free to give us a call or contact us here!
How old does my child need to be to participate in Teen Time?
Our Teen Times is best suited for kids 13-17. We suggest a Parents Night Out for those younger than that.
Is my teen going to be supervised during Teen Time?
Yes! We make sure our staff is 18+ for supervising these nights; mostly because we encourage our own teen staff to come and enjoy themselves with their friends.
Is dinner included?
Dinner isn’t included in the $20 admission fee. We do have slices of our 5 star pizza and snacks for sale during the event.
Do I need to be present for drop off?
Not at all, we just ask that teens come with completed and signed waivers to be able to participate.
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